Asalam Alaykum Warahmotulahi Wa Barakahtuhu.
All praise is due to almighty Allah, the beneficent, most merciful. We, at Nigeria Muslim Association of Birmingham (NIMAB), represent the interests of all our Muslim brothers and sisters in islam. We are located at the heart of Birmingham West Midlands ,coming together in the name of Allah and the prophet Muhammad(S.A.W).
According to the Qur'an 33 v 56 "Allah and His angels send blessings on the prophet :O ye that believe ! Send ye blessings on him, salute him with all respect "Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace.
Nimab Welfare Trust provides these services and programmes for the benefit of the people of Birmingham and environs:
Five times daily prayers
Juma’at prayers every Friday
Charity service - Apoti Anu, Food Bank
Madrasah classes
Monthly Qur`an recitation
Sunday Adhkar programmes
Special Islamic teachings by eminent scholars
Nika'h (Marriage ceremony)
Aqeeqah (Naming ceremony)
Jana'zah (Funeral service)
Hajj & Umrah (The Pilgrimage)